April 2 Meeting, "Working From Home"
Below please find the proposed discussion items for the scheduled meeting on our "Working From Home" Initiative. This meeting is set for 4/2 @ 11:00 am ET / 4:00 pm BST.
Toby Lewis, C.E.O. of Novum Insights, will be our guest speaker. Toby is a data scientist whose clients include leading banks in Europe and the U.S.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/555539399
Meeting ID: 555 539 399
There are three proposed discussion items:
... Request for comments on "Working From Home" document. The document will include tips on common sense ideas to help the 90 percent of financial services professionals who are now actually working from home. A key technology consideration is how to maintain relationships between Investment Professionals and Tech Developers. ( a first draft of these tips, based on AMT's 3/18 Webcast will be distributed in advance of the "Working From Home" meeting).
... Working From Home Initiative opens the door for providing broader services. Asset Managers Tech, the trade group which is sponsoring the WFH initiative, will need to "cover" other corollary developments, such as: ongoing status of the Coronavirus Crisis; changes in its own WFH document and related best practices; and, very importantly, the role of Modern Technology concerning not only Working From Home but also the anticipated global economic recovery once the Crisis is brought under control around the world. If we provide this coverage, we anticipate that many buy-side and general financial firms will be drawn to this proposed Initiative.
... Management. The recommended approach is one step at a time. Most financial services professionals face uncertainty regarding when they will return to their offices. So our initial goal is to be focused on WFH documentation - it is more challenging than one might think! Also, the top law firms in the U.S. are already "covering" the Pandemic & there is a great deal of interest in the up to date factual/legal material that is being disseminated. No doubt there will be demand for insights regarding how Cloud Computing and AI, on a global scale, fit into recovering from the Pandemic.
In conclusion, it should be mentioned that, we are structuring our initiative under the umbrella of a not for profit trade group. The aim is to attract industry members who will contribute lots of relevant input on the facts and new developments. And that will enable "all boats to rise."
We hope you can join our meeting on 4/2!
Stay safe,
Joe Sack, President, Asset Managers Tech
Mobile: 1-914-648-0088