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“COVID & Financial Services” / AMT Zoom Presentation, today, Thursday, Dec. 2nd, @ 9:00 am ET

CLICK HERE for today’s live 15 minute discussion

· buyside technology,asset managers tech,Working from Home

covid“COVID & Financial Services”

CLICK HERE for a recording of today’s live 15 minute discussion, presented by AMT, the buy-side trade group that is committed to the on-going assessment of modern medical technology in the investment management industry.

  On the one hand, our Dr. Stanley Zaborowski, a recognized COVID medical expert and an adviser to many municipal and school district officials in the State of New Jersey, will lay out the challenges associated with the Omicron variant.

  And from the vantage point of the industry, Xavier Touret, a senior executive as well as a co-founder of AMT, is joining our 12/2 Zoom to share just how challenging COViD still is to industry professionals, notwithstanding their creativity regarding WFH.

  At this stage of the pandemic, we encourage recognized leaders in the financial business to weigh in at our Zoom meetings. That’s because it is now time to come to grips even more assertively with the pandemic. Then folks will be able to pivot with equal determination to the major task of tackling Climate Change and addressing potential ESG regulatory proposals.

CLICK HERE and learn how to more solidly position yourself & your firm regarding the basics of COVID & Climate Change in the 2020’s!

We welcome your input and ideas regarding this industry initiative!


Joe Sack, President

Asset Managers Tech

Cell: 1-914-648-0088