Identifying Tech Issues - Many current tech questions have no clear answers at this time, as innovations like AI, Blockchain & Big Data are coming on the scene.
Asset Managers Tech, a new not for profit trade group, was formed to articulate these evolving questions concerning today's new technologies, thereby creating an objective forum for asset management professionals.
Accordingly, Asset Managers Tech has formed a Q and A Task Force to delve into tech questions. Heads of IT and other tech professionals will comprise the membership of the Task Force. The Task Force will gather broad facts concerning new tech capabilities in financial services and discuss the relevant pros and cons.
Task Force members will also coordinate their efforts and findings with other senior executives at their respective firms, including COOs, Office of the General Counsel, and those responsible for compliance and cyber security.
Based on our trade association experience, we realize there are no easy answers to complex questions in the investment management business. Thus, our Q and A Task Force members will be reaching out to numerous industry colleagues for input regarding how best to analyze the many tech questions that both active and passive managers need to consider as we approach the 2020's.
Please feel free to contact Joe Sack of AMT for information about the activities of our Q and A Task Force.