Asset Managers Tech is looking forward to updating members & market participants on the following CLIMATE CHANGE items:
- Bill Gates in his just published book on Climate Change states that the same kind of strategies being employed to defeat COVID – 19 can likely be applied regarding Climate Change. AMT believes some investment managers will apply various new scientific skills acquired in 2020 & 2021 to Climate Change.
- New SEC Chair Gary Gensler indicated last week on CNBC that folks at the Commission will be taking a look at the evolving ESG disclosure process in the industry to assure that it continues to enhance the flow of material information into the securities marketplace by relevant companies.
- Climate Change Information, like data on COVID, can be complex. AMT realizes that there are a number of alternative sustainability goals and principles out there that need to be evaluated on a regular basis by institutional investors and U.S. pension funds. AMT expects to encounter some of these situations in its role as a trade group. Accordingly, we look forward to obtaining buy-side input on these modern era challenges, including chief executive level policy determinations, as we formulate and recommend new opportunities to the industry regarding Climate Change.
Please feel free to contact Joe Sack, President, or Xavier Touret, Industry Practices Adviser, regarding the above issues!
jsack@assetmanagers.tech and xtouret@assetmanagers.tech
Stay Safe,
Joe Sack, President, Asset Managers Tech
Mobile: 1-914-648-0088