ASSET MANAGERS TECH WILL HOLD A 12 to 15 MINUTE ZOOM SESSION TODAY, 4/29/21, from 9:00 am to 9:15 am ET.
Please CLICK HERE to view this focused presentation. Our two distinguished speakers will comment on the latest CDC Guidelines which fully recognize new data indicating that wearing masks may not always be required outside the home or your workplace by folks who are vaccinated.
Dr. Stanley Zaborowski, AMT’s Medical Adviser, will cover the validity of this CDC change from a health care standpoint. (5 to 7 minutes)
Xavier Touret, AMT’s Industry Practices Adviser, (also 5 to 7 minutes) will assess the likely impact and significance of this CDC guidance from the overall standpoint of the investment management community in Boston, MA.
The bottom line: pandemics are tricky for all countries, even the United States! And it is therefore constructive for Asset Managers Tech, a not for profit trade group, to convey this message to its constituents! Getting to herd immunity in the U.S. in 2021, as you would expect, is significantly dependent on science & data as well as creative use of modern technology.
We are quite receptive, of course, to your helpful thoughts and ideas!
Stay Safe,
Joe Sack, President, Asset Managers Tech
Mobile: 1-914-648-0088
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