Zoom Today 10:00am ET
PRESENTED BY ASSET MANAGERS TECH ("AMT"), a not for profit trade group
Dear Colleague,
Thanks for clicking onto this special message regarding COVID - 19 and its effects on Investment Managers.
AMT looks forward to seeing you on Zoom, today, Tuesday, 4/28, at 10:00 am ET: To join the meeting please CLICK HERE Zoom meeting ID: 729 5386 9683
Here are the main discussion items at today's ZOOM Meeting, these items apply to all asset managers; our message is that the buy-side industry wants all fiduciaries to get through this pandemic efficiently!
-- Factual recap of March and April, 2020, in financial services in the U.S. and elsewhere.
-- Now what happens when we move toward the "New Normal"?
-- What exactly will the New Normal be like, based on what we have been hearing? Is more sophisticated Technology (Cloud Computing or AI) going to be part of the New Normal? How should senior executives and all other professionals at asset management firms plan & prepare for all of this?
Toby Lewis, a data scientist & CEO of Novum Insights, will be joining this Zoom meeting, to share pertinent ideas on the use of Modern Tech during the pandemic.
Please spread the word about TODAY'S ZOOM MEETING CONCERNING CORONAVIRUS! CLICK HERE to join Zoom Meeting ID: 729 5386 9683
Kindly note that AMT's goal is to provide our trade group members with realistic perspectives about what is currently taking place in our industry - to assist you in determining priorities at your firm in these challenging times.
We also hope to use a Roundtable Format @ this Zoom Meeting, meaning go around the room and elicit suggestions & then come up with the top takeaways.
Today's ZOOM Meeting will conclude at 10:40 am ET.
Please Be Safe!
Joe Sack
Joe Sack, President,
Asset Managers Tech, a not for profit trade group
Cell: 914-648-088
Asset Managers Tech, a not for profit trade group
Cell: 914-648-088