Update by Stanley Zaborowski, M.D. - CLICK HERE for today’s remarks on Zoom sponsored by Asset Managers Tech. We are an industry trade group. In this capacity, we are pleased to remind our colleagues that the same kind of caution used for the past three years must still be followed by all of us to guard against the spread of COVID - 19.
Asset Managers Tech (AMT) works with buy-side firms on policy matters. Dr. Stan serves as AMT’s Medical Adviser. As we have noted, COVID has produced variants. Thus, when necessary, industry employees in the office or working from home still need to get vaccinated and protect themselves & family members from coronavirus.
Additionally, the flu season has arrived in the U.S.; and we have also encountered an outbreak of RSV, a respiratory infection that has been harmful to children age 5 and below.
CLICK HERE at 9:00 am ET today, Thursday, 12/8/22, and join Dr. Zaborowski, a Board Certified Internist, who will share the latest information with you and your colleagues on best practices concerning this “triple threat” as we approach the holiday season. This presentation is open to all in the industry. We encourage your questions, call Dr. Stan at iPhone 1-973-884-0867.
Sincerely yours,
Joe Sack, AMT’s President
iPhone 1-914-648-0088