Good Morning! Please CLICK HERE at 10 am ET! You’re Invited to join us live & learn about new developments concerning the pandemic — from Stanley Zaborowski, M.D., our trade group’s Medical Adviser.
Dr. Stan’s remarks on COVID - 19 & variants are brought to you by AMT, a not for profit trade group focused on the Investment Management Industry.
Dr. Stan’s 10 minute presentation in real time today is about the latest variants and what employees in the work force and also U.S.communities need to do to protect themselves and others, especially family members. (Kindly note all levels and positions, as well as tech professionals at financial services firms are cordially invited to join today’s Zoom presentation.)
Asset Managers Tech is also keenly focused on Climate Change and investment-related environmental policy issues. Dr. Stan and our staff are available to industry members to elaborate on broad policy considerations, such as how much time we have to truly reduce carbon emissions — right now we are using 175 percent of the Earth’s natural resources. Obviously, this must be addressed effectively very soon.
Preventing severe reactions or death that could be brought about by COVID, flu or RSV infections remains everyone’s top priority. But modern medical science generally knows no boundaries. Thus, as the U.S. moves forward on developing new medicines and vaccines relative to coronavirus, our top research scientists are also developing new treatments for diseases such as obesity.
And all of the above matters are tied, directly or indirectly, to the interests of investors, both individuals and institutional investors. Moreover, in these unique 21st century times, regulatory bodies in the U.S. and around the globe may find themselves adjusting to new practices in the securities marketplace. This essentially means organizations like ours must request financial advisers and their own service providers to comment on new processing proposals or even revised regulations.
AMT welcomes the opportunity to be helpful to all, especially retired investors, concerning the above.
Thanks for your interest and support,
With best regards,
Joe Sack, AMT President
iPhone: 1-914-648-0088