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Join the AMT Webcast today at 11 am ET: Trade Group Resources Available in Crisis

"Working From Home" During the Coronavirus Crisis

· Covid-19,buyside technology,asset managers tech,Webcast

ASSET MANAGERS TECH, a buy-side trade group

"Working From Home" During the Coronavirus Crisis

We know the initial questions about working from home, but answering them absolutely requires discussion between and among industry professionals. Asset Managers Tech (AMT), a trade group, is organizing a buy-side discussion meeting to be held today Wednesday, 3/18, at 11:00 am ET.

The main point to be discussed at this March 18th AMT Webcast is that "Working from Home" is now expected to be the norm for perhaps the next six months at many leading investment management firms. Accordingly, this rather sophisticated three-pronged approach is needed so that the business of investment managers will continue under a "business as usual" format. Any professional who is "telecommuting" (another term for working from home) does not need to tell clients, for example, that the office is not open and "home" is being used as a back-up. In fact, whether you are a PM, a securities trader, an operations or compliance professional, or a co-head of IT or Auditing, your permanent workplace is your work area at home, and you are fully supported by, and connected to, the firm's same technology and Cloud services and sophisticated data that you've always had at your disposal.

In the course of AMT's continuing industry-wide work on this matter, we will delve into other related considerations that will more fully depict the insights and nuances associated with telecommuting and the professionalism that applies to this fast-moving area in the financial services industry.

Accordingly, we invite you to CLICK HERE and obtain the link or number to join our meeting today, 3/18, at 11:00 am ET

Thanks! We welcome your participation & assure you it will provide helpful information!

Joe Sack, President, Asset Managers Tech

Mobile: 1-914-648-0088

3/18 AMT Webcast: Working from home

11 am ET on Wednesday March 18th

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