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Open Trade Group Meeting, Thursday, 5/26/22, via Zoom, @ 9:00 am ET

Welcome to the Asset Managers Tech Update on Industry Initiatives

· SEC,regulation,Covid-19,buyside technology,asset managers tech

Welcome to the Asset Managers Tech Update on Industry Initiatives, including the latest developments concerning COVID and SEC Regulation. CLICK HERE and join us on Zoom at 9:00 am ET for our team’s 10 minute coverage of new industry-wide policy matters affecting the investment management industry.

By all indications, medical science is now very relevant to matters affecting the industry, such as the lingering effects of the pandemic and how to approach climate change. We look forward to the views of industry participants on such trends. 

Thanks to all for your on-going input regarding the above topics.

With kind regards,


Joe Sack, President, Asset Managers Tech

iPhone: 1-914-648-0088