Current Asset Managers Tech (AMT) Industry-wide Initiatives (March / April, 2021):
1) KNOWLEDGE & INFORMATION – Asset Managers Tech, a not for profit trade group, is providing buy-side industry members with medical and scientific insights regarding the effects of COVID – 19 in the U.S. and in states and cities where members are located. The pandemic affects employees and clients of members. It is necessary for investment management industry leaders to be fully informed regarding the status of coronavirus in the course of their decision-making. AMT has retained a medical adviser, Stanley Zaborowski, M.D., who has provided regular briefings on COVID – 19 to the industry since the early stages of the pandemic. Dr. Zaborowski serves as President of the Board of Health Committee of Hanover Township, NJ.
2) FUTURE OF WORKING FROM HOME - The investment management industry has benefitted during the pandemic because of the success of remote work by most industry professionals. The next phases of WFH, as the Nation moves toward herd immunity, will entail determining which categories of workers might initially return to office settings. AMT will be updating its “WFH Guidelines” as this process gets under way.
3) CLOUD COMPUTING – This area of the financial services industry has grown extensively during the pandemic. Most Heads of IT at major investment management firms have turned to Cloud companies in these times to meet an ever-increasing demand for new digital services. AMT is reaching out once again to the industry’s technology leaders for their input regarding the exact benefits of the transitioning of IT from being an in-house function to one that is now being performed for investment advisers to a large degree by firms such as Microsoft and AWS. We would welcome the suggestions of all interested parties on Cloud Computing.
4) CLIMATE CHANGE – Bill Gates has stated that the same kind of strategies used to combat the surge of COVID – 19 should also be applied by stakeholders with regard to Climate Change. Accordingly, AMT intends to initiate its innovative scientific approach to analyzing how Climate Change is relevant to investment securities and to our industry. AMT is already planning ad hoc Climate Control sessions for industry members to evaluate the proposals of the Biden Administration in this area – even while we conduct our major initiatives relating to COVID – 19.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, AMT CONDUCTS MANY ZOOM EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS FOR ANY NUMBER OF INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS, INCLUDING ULTIMATE INVESTORS. Contact us and we will gladly arrange your Zoom trade group-type IM information forum, with a moderator, under your own “private label”. Thanks for your interest in our trade group services!
Stay safe, Joe Sack, President, Asset Managers Tech iPhone: 1-914-648-0088 |