
COVID – 19 AFFECTS ALL MEMBERS OF THE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY / we cover the pandemic for the industry, including those Working From Home.
CLICK HERE to view our latest COVID – 19 presentation featuring Dr. Stan Zaborowski, who serves as medical adviser to our trade group.
Dr. Stan’s remarks offer many practical insights concerning the following matters:
- Current “nationwide surge” requires the help of all Americans / wear masks & social distance / use “common sense” & avoid congregating in large groups.
- One possible “election outcome” is governmental leaders will “follow the science” and inspire safe travel by everyone, including air purifiers on planes.
- Vaccines will soon be approved by FDA – we all expect to see health care workers receiving vaccines in January & this will convey that “help is on the way for everyone!”
We encourage your comments and questions regarding the effects of COVID – 19 on the asset management industry – please reach out to Joe Sack, Co-founder of AMT. Thanks!