UPDATE ON NEW IT PARADIGM -- Technology is advancing at a rapid pace due to modern technology which would include Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing. Another important driver of technology is the New IT Paradigm. Asset Managers Tech is sponsoring an in person event on October 24th in Boston, MA that will feature a presentation on the New IT Paradigm.
HERE IS AN UPDATE ON THE NEW IT PARADIGM IN ADVANCE OF NEXT MONTH'S AMT EVENT - The New IT Paradigm means IT can now send ready to use data to other departments, service providers and customers. The opportunities associated with this revolutionary change are just now being fully recognized in the financial services sector. Accordingly, it is now entirely appropriate for chief executives to insist on a New IT Paradigm Opportunities List every quarter that describes constructive internal change and prospective new business opportunities. In particular, such new IT opportunities might very well focus on how your long-standing clients could possibly use specially created data, developed and facilitated by your firm, to enhance their own overall businesses.
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT AMT AND ITS EDUCATIONAL EVENTS, please feel free to contact Joe Sack at jsack@assetmanagers.tech.