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Dr. Zaborowski's Healthcare Zoom, today, 9:00 am ET

The Topic du Jour is whether fewer cases of COVID are being reported

· Health Care Trends,Vaccines,Covid-19

You’re invited! Please CLICK HERE at 9:00 am ET today, Thursday, 10/5/23. We cordially offer our Colleagues and Other Seniors the opportunity to chat, Live, with Stanley Zaborowski, M.D., who has served as our Medical Adviser since 2020.

The Topic du Jour is whether fewer cases of COVID are being reported; and if so, what does that mean to you and your family, friends and co-workers?

The above presentation information is being sponsored & made available to Seniors and others by Asset Managers Tech, a not for profit trade group.

Dr. Stan will address the current status of Vaccines for COVID, RSV and the Flu. There are always new developments, including whether hospitals are encountering more or less coronavirus cases, for example. Also, if the production of vaccines were to decline because the outbreaks are deemed to be declining, how might such a decline affect the Pharmaceutical Industry?

We will cover all this and more — CLICK HERE Today on Zoom @ 9:00 am ET! We offer actual data concerning the above-stated developments.

Thanks for your interest in this presentation featuring Dr.Stan!


Joe Sack, Sr., AMT President

Dr. Stanley Zaborowski, Medical Adviser to AMT

iPhone 1- 973-884-0867