Join Asset Managers Tech this morning for our virtual Trade Association Conference -> CLICK HERE at 9.00 am ET!
Grab a coffee and join the conversation, ask questions or just listen to our advisers.
On the agenda today will be:
- Industry members working from home and/or with kids in school may be interest in Dr Stanley Zaborowski, Medical Adviser to AMT, commenting on recent studies on masking vs non-masking in schools.
- Market Practices Adviser Xavier Touret will discuss financial innovation and AI in the Securities Industry
- AMT Co-founder and President Joe Sack will highlight AMT's focus on being a neutral commenter on key industry topics including medical science and COVID, ESG, Climate Change and Technology impacting the Investment Management Industry.
You can join our virtual sessions every week on Thursdays from 9.00 AM ET.
Joe Sack, AMT President,
Xavier Touret, AMT’s Director of Market Practices,
Zoom Meeeting Details - AMT Forum/Virtual Sessions(Thursdays at 9-9.30 am ET)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 0933 9623
Passcode: 734307
One tap mobile
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